
AppSOC for AWS Security Hub

AppSOC significantly expands the capabilities of AWS Security Hub to manage security posture and reduce risk across AWS services, cloud applications, and third-party tools.

The solution reduces the complexity of managing application security and integrates seamlessly with Security Hub providing:

· Clear visibility: easy-to-understand dashboards consolidate AWS security data with granular multi-axis filters to drill-down into critical issues

· Effective noise reduction: AppSOC automatically aggregates, deduplicates, and correlates finding, reducing noise from redundant andnon-critical alerts by over 95%

· Advanced prioritization: contextual risk-based scoring factors severity, exploitability, and impact specific to your environment

· Automated remediation workflows: direct integration with trackers like Jira and ServiceNow, and notification systems like Slack andPagerDuty

· Managing risk – not just compliance: goes far beyond compliance check boxes to help manage your security posture and acceptable risk levels

· Mapping of SBOMs and application hierarchy: correlates security issues to libraries, microservices, applications, and hosts

· Wide range of integrations: supporting hundreds of security tools including SAST, DAST, SCA, container, IaC, infrastructure security and more

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